Lee Horse

Trail Activities: t

  • Equestrian


12.00 miles




Natural, Sand, Dirt Road

Difficulty: Moderate

Trail Features: t

  • Point of Interest
  • Camping
  • Restrooms
  • Picnic Area
  • Visitor Center
  • Information Sign
  • Pets
  • No Fee
  • Camping


Lee State Park sits along the winding and scenic Lynches River. The park’s twelve miles of trails provide horseback riders with the chance to view the wonders of the sandy coastal plains of South Carolina as well as the wetlands along the beautiful Lynches River.

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Situated smack in the middle of South Carolina’s Sandhills region, Lee State Natural Area offers two loop trails between five and six miles long that are of easy to moderate difficulty. Despite its sandy surroundings, the park contains one of the best-preserved floodplain swamps in the state, but that’s only partially why it remains such an enjoyable destination. With ground cover ranging from marshy to sandy, there are numerous opportunities for cooling off in small lakes and artesian wells along the trail. The park also borders the Lynches River, a designated scenic river. There is a bridle trail, show ring, and stable within the park. Equestrians are allowed to ride on the Loop Road at Lee State Park, which is open to vehicular traffic.

Horses do not have to be shod. Insect repellent is recommended during warm months.

Note: There is a 7-mile equestrian-only loop and a 5-mile loop (road), which is open to equestrians, hikers, bikers, and motorized vehicles.

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Camping: Call 1-866-345-PARK (7275) or go online at www.SouthCarolinaParks.com to make your reservations today!


From Exit 123 on I-20 near Bishopville: Drive north on Lee County Road S-31-22. The park entrance is one mile on the left.

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Lee State Park | 487 Loop Road, Bishopville, SC 29010 | (803) 428-5307 | Email

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Lat: 34.20951668409536
Long: -80.19887458177227